Morning Sectionals This Week, 7:15 amPlease check with your section leaders on which day your section is scheduled to rehearse. 2016 New York Heritage Music Festival Trip MeetingThere will be an informational NY Trip Meeting on Thursday, October 22 at 7:00 pm in the Orchestra Room. Ms. Doemel will cover details of the trip, including info on the students’ choice of the Broadway musical they would like to see. For additional information on the trip and the festival visit our Parent Information Web page. Payment Past Due: Have you missed your NY Trip Payment? Please send it with your student to drop it in the LHSOA lock box, you may mail it to our address at the bottom of this newsletter, or you may bring it with you to the information meeting. Important: Please take a moment to ensure all travel forms are completed in their entirety to ensure its all done well in advance of the trip. All forms can be downloaded from our webpage under 2016 NY Heritage Music Festival Trip Forms. You may check the status of which forms we have on file by checking Charms; follow the instructions we sent in a previous newsletter as to how to login to your student account. Its Audition Time Again for 2nd Semester, Nov 3rd.Please review the Blog post on the website for your downloadable practice and study materials, along with more information on auditions for your 2nd Semester orchestra choice. The LHSOA would like to thank Ronald Sachs Violins for their generous sponsorship of the Lassiter Orchestra. We appreciate their support of our orchestra and our programs. Football Food Truck Friday Fiesta!
Parent Volunteers Needed to help sell advance tickets for the food truck during school lunch periods on Thursday Oct 22 and Fri Oct 23, and also from 4:45 pm to 7:00 pm at the tailgate party. Please email Ida Anderson to sign-up for one or more lunch periods. Nexus Concert 50/50 Split-the-Pot Raffle
Its going to be Spooktacular!Saturday October 31st is our First Annual 6th Grade “Spooktacular”! This clinic is hosted by the Lassiter Orchestra and is designed to help our beginning 6th graders with their new instruments. Look for an opportunity to sign up and help our new orchestra members at this event. We will have face-painting stations, a costume contest, games, and other opportunities for you to help out! Parent Volunteers Needed to bake 2 – 4 dozen non-iced cupcakes each (goal is 16 dozen cupcakes) for a cupcake decorating activity. Please deliver your cupcakes in a disposable sealed container on either Friday or Saturday before the program begins; and we will need 12 event volunteers to assist at various times between 8:15 am and 1:30 pm during the event. Please contact Ida Andersonto let her know how you can help. Student Volunteers Needed to assist with the Haunted Bounce House, face painting, and cupcake decorating activities – please sign-up with your student officers. Lassiter String Academy – Space Still AvailableSign-up for private lessons right here on campus after school! For more information, see the LSA web page or contact Susie Carson for details. Chicken and Tchaikovsky
Simultaneously Receive Valuable Business Exposure and Help Your OrchestraIts a win-win! Become a corporate sponsor of your Lassiter Orchestra and receive recognition in various orchestra media throughout the year. Please see our LHSOA Sponsorship Page for more information. Poinsettias Are Back!
A BIG Shout-Out to our Helpers!Many of our fantastic orchestra parents have stepped-up to volunteer to help with our events – we appreciate you!! Please contact Ida Anderson to find out how you can help your orchestra. See our LHSOA Volunteer Page for more opportunities to lend a hand. |