Spring Orchestra Auditions: Wednesday, 5pm Mar 21st
Auditions for placement into Fall 2018 Orchestra classes will take place on March 21, 5 pm onwards.
Senior Orchestra Breakfast
Night at the Movies:
Tuesday, 7pm April 24th
We Need Raffle Items
Each year we raffle off some very cool items during our ‘Night at the Movies’ concert. In the past, we have given away Disney tickets, Restaurant gift cards, a GoPro, a catered lunch from Moe’s, and many more very valuable items. We need our orchestra families to help us by either donating a cool item, or helping to solicit items from local businesses. Please consider donating something to our orchestra to be raffled, or let us know if you would like to help with outreach to our community for items. Historically, this has been one of our most successful fundraisers of the year, and we are looking to raise lots of dollars to ensure we have the funds to have a great kick-off for the next school year. For more information on how you can help, please email us at fundraising@lhsoa.org.
Now, It is your Turn
Letter from the President, LHSOA-
Why should your student have all the fun of being in the orchestra? Your orchestra booster club needs you, and it’s a lot of fun too. For the 2018/2019 school year, we are seeking music-loving volunteers who have a bit of extra time to give back so that all of our students can have the experiences that they deserve as part of a world-class high school orchestra.
From single event roles that require only a few hours, to committee and Board leadership roles that put you in the middle of all the action, there truly is something for everyone to do, and we really do need your help.
Specifically, we are seeking folks for Fundraising Chair and Sponsorship Chair; and we also need to backfill for the key Board roles of VP Events, Co-Treasurer, Secretary, Lassiter String Academy Coordinator, and someone to cross-train for Communications Officer and Webmaster.
Being a Board member has given me the opportunity to not only be a part of our orchestra and our school, but has given me a chance to be part of my son’s high school experience, and also make new friends of my own. I would love for every orchestra parent to experience what I have over the last few years, and my only regret was not getting involved sooner.
If you have an interest in helping out next year or would like to be nominated for a Board position, please email Audrey Donahue at vicepresident@lhsoa.org.
Musically Yours,
Jonathan Warner
President, LHSOA
Lassiter String Academy
Reminder – Please make sure you are current on your lesson payments for March. Questions? Contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org. Thank you.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!

Amazon is tripling the donation amount to 1.5% when customers make their first eligible smile.amazon.com purchase from March 12 – 31. This is a great opportunity to increase Lassiter High School Orchestra Association Inc’s AmazonSmile donations by reminding your supporters to shop at smile.amazon.com.3x your impact! Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2400629 and Amazon donates to Lassiter High School Orchestra Association Inc.
Kroger Community Rewards
If you are a frequent shopper at Kroger with a Kroger Plus Card choose the
LHSOA as the organization to support. Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community Rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! If you have any questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!