2018 Orchestra Spring Tour – First Parent Meeting Nov 6th
![]() ![]() The Spring Tour Parent Meeting is Monday, November 6th at 6:30 in the orchestra room. Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori have put together a wonderful enrichment opportunity featuring at least one master class and a possible performance at a historic venue. Other musical and leisure activities are in the works, but we need everyone’s help. The deadline for everyone’s $200 deposit was last Friday. PLEASE GET YOUR DEPOSITS IN. These funds are needed for our wonderful trip planner, Mrs. Aida Hutchison to secure the booking of our hotel rooms at an amazing discounted rate. If you need special payment arrangements, please email Ms. Doemel at Carol.Doemel@cobbk12.org so we can accommodate your budget. For Freshman parents, this trip is an awesome opportunity for our newest members to both experience musical enrichment and forge their friendships that will last a lifetime. For the upperclassmen it will enhance their tour memories from earlier years. We don’t want any student to miss this special trip! Students are currently signing up for their rooms, so the excitement is already beginning! The room assignments were sent via Remind Please be there for all the details and Q&A with your orchestra directors and your Head Chaperone and VP, Mrs. Audrey Donahue. Upcoming 2nd Semester Orchestra Auditions, November 8thAuditions for all Orchestras are from 4 – 9pm. Outside adjudicators will be coming in only for this evening so we ask that every student make every effort to be at their assigned audition time to take their audition. Check you student’s audition times. If there are any questions regarding audition times, please contact Mr. Mori at koji.mori@cobbk12.org. Tri-M Recital on November 10thThe Lassiter Tri-M Music Honor Society will be having their recital this Friday November 10, 2017. Student lead small ensembles will be performing solo and chamber works in the Lassiter Concert Hall at 7:30pm. Class PhotosThank you for sending your students with their uniform on Friday as we were able to capture photos of each class with their uniform. There are still uniforms that have been left behind in the orchestra room so we kindly ask that all orchestra students take their uniforms home. POINSETTIAS POINSETTIAS!!Cooler weather is here, hot cocoa tastes sweet, We are thrilled to announce the option to order poinsettias ONLINE this year! * $10 each (cash or check) or $10.60 (credit card) Order by Friday, November 17th PLEASE share this link with friends, neighbors and local organizations! Special thanks to our students campaigners who are getting the word out during carpool. Sign up with them and get your order in. A big shout out to our volunteers that manned the LHSOA booth at the Lassiter Craft Fair (Nov 4th & 5th) selling poinsettias. Thank you! TOGETHER, WE will support OUR orchestra!! ZAXBY’S SPIRIT NIGHT![]() MONDAY NOVEMBER 13th 4:00-7:00 PM 2756 Sandy Plains Road Invite your family and friends for a fun night, featuring: v Trivia contests! v Games! v Prizes! v Musical entertainment from our very own orchestra musicians! 15% of sales 4:00-7:00PM (excluding drive-thru) benefit Lassiter Orchestra. HONEYBAKED HAM Click here to order: Share this link on your social media! AVON Download the sales flyers and order forms here: In addition, a fundraiser has been created thru a GoFundMe donation campaign which features the AVON Foundation’s Rory the Lion. This soft, 13” plush toy sells for $20. Students earn $5 per toy purchased. As additional incentive, every $20 donation will purchase 1 plush animal for a boy or girl presently hospitalized in 1 of the 3 Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta hospitals for Christmas as reminders of their strength! Rising 9th grade Concert
![]() A great evening of music making for our Orchestras with the Mabry and Simpson Orchestra programs. Lassiter String AcademyPayments for November lessons should be made this week. Please contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org for any questions. Volunteering OppIf you’re interested in helping at one of our orchestra events, please contact Audrey Donahue vpevents@lhsoa.org. Our next volunteer opportunity is for 2nd Semester Seating Auditions on Wednesday Nov 8th 4:00-8:00PM LHSOA MembershipIt’s not too late! If you would like to make either a premium or Friend of the Orchestra tax deductible donation, please visit our website: http://lhsoa.org/for-parents-and-students/registration. Premium donors will receive benefits as advertised, and all donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes upon request. Easy ways to donate effortlessly!![]() ![]() May your Holiday season be festive. <<Click here>> to shop on Amazon Smile and contribute toward the LHS Orchestra Association. Thank you!!
Kroger Community Rewards
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy! |