Our “Cruise to a Tropical Isle” year-end banquet is just days away!
All orchestra musicians and their families are invited to celebrate a great year of music and fellowship to both celebrate our accomplishments and to honor our senior class. Lots of fun and few surprises are in store for all; get ready for a fantastic evening!
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017
Time: 6:00pm -10:00pm (check-in at 5:30pm)
Location: Holy Transfiguration
Greek Orthodox Church
3431 Trickum Road
Marietta, GA 30066
All banquet tickets have been pre-paid and the caterers have been given a final count, thus there are no additional ticket sales available this week or at the door on banquet day. Please contact our banquet coordinator, Audrey Donahue, with any questions or concerns.
We Need Your Pictures!
We are gathering photos and videos from the entire 2016-17 school year to use for our upcoming banquet. If you happen to have any good photos or videos of the orchestra students that you would like to share with us (non-cruise related), please upload them here: Upload Media for 2016-17 Orchestra (non-cruise)
For those who went on the cruise trip, please share any photos or videos you have from the cruise by uploading them here: Upload Media for Cruise Tour 2017
This Mother’s Day
From the Night at the Movies
In case you missed it last week we raised $1,270.00 from the Raffle Fundraiser. Thank you for your participation and financial support of our orchestra.
Unclaimed Prizes
Following Raffle prizes are waiting to be claimed:
Target Gift Card – 6681558
Regal Movie Tickets – 6681636
Marlowe’s Tavern – 6642060
Nuance Salon 1 – 6681665
Please email Ida Anderson at events@lhsoa.orgbefore May 12th to claim your prize with your raffle ticket.
Lassiter String Academy
May lesson payments are now due. Please drop a check in the LSA Box by the practice rooms. Also, please work directly with your teachers on a final lesson date – remember, exams are ahead, which may impact your lesson schedule.
Students are encouraged to continue lessons over the summer – arrangements for this are made between student and teacher.
All students are expected to be paid in full for all lessons this month as we will close out our financial year and transition the records to a new LSA Coordinator. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tri-M “Playing for Change” Benefit Concert
Please join the Lassiter Tri-M Honor Society for their yearly benefit concert Thursday evening at 7pm in the Lassiter Concert Hall. Performing ensembles from Lassiter Band, Orchestra, and Chorus will be featured. Proceeds support “Playing for Change”, a global initiative to support music education. Please visit their website for more information at www.playingforchange.com
Show your Orchestra Spirit!

LHSOA Registrations – It’s Never Too Late!
Thank you, families, for your registrations and your generous donations!
If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please make a donation today so we can do-it-up bigger and better for the kid’s rest of the year!
Support us with minimal effort
Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Re-enroll here. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!