Congratulations to our 2018 Graduating Seniors

Tabitha Achinger
Joseph Aguirre
Lesly Alfaro
Jeffrey Anderson
Heila Asgarian
Tess Aubry
Nuna Bamatraf
Zan Beaver
Alyssa Blakley
Alexis Boylan
Rachel Buchli
Sharan Chaddha
Harrison Chong
Garrett Clay
Alyssa Collins
Jordan Dorsey
Rebekah Dry
Victoria Dry
Alex Dupuy
Riley Feininger
Thomas Finland
Alyssa Hetherington
Nitish Jagdev
Amali Kahaduwe
Savanna Kraft
Zack Link
Riya Mehta
Angela Nguyen
Emily Razzano
Caterina Russell
Madison Skelton
Katie Snyder
Rashi Soni
Japhet Springer
Kaitlyn Trevathan
Alex Warner
Walter Watson
Miriam Weiss
Seo Young Yoo
Board Meeting Monday, 5/14
LHSOA Board and Officer’s Meeting is this Monday 5/14, 6:30pm in the Orchestra room.
“Springtime in DC” Orchestra Banquet

Thank you Audrey Donahue for planning an awesome Orchestra Banquet. What a wonderful celebration of our students! Thank you Directors, student officers and parent volunteers who made it all come together seamlessly. Watch out for pictures on our Facebook page shortly –
Note from VP Events & Banquet Coordinator –
Many thanks to all the wonderful banquet helpers who contributed to the great success of the event: Adair Sulhoff, Matthew Sulhoff, Sara Dilworth, Amy Fudger, Victoria Moller, Susan Lewis, Amy Warner, Pauline Miller, Mike Hutchison, Suparna Poyapakkam, Stacy Peery, Robert Hayes, and Brittany Hayes.
Special thanks to Sharon Powers for creating the gorgeous flower bouquets presented to Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori, and to Aida Hutchison who created that stunning masterpiece of a cake for the dessert table.
Audrey Donahue
Registration Deadline May 15th
Jun 17-23, 2018

Bring in your uniform for a student in need

No need to wash or dry clean! Pin a note with your name and email, that way a donation tax letter can be emailed to your family. Thank you for your support!
Looking for Great People!
The LHSOA is reaching out to Orchestra parents who are interested in helping create a rich and full learning experience for our students for the next school year.
Do you want to make a difference?
Then we need you! Involvement matters!
Join our dynamic team!
Your participation and support of the program will not only help our orchestra directors, but also provide critical enrichment opportunities for all orchestra students.
We welcome inquiries for the following areas:
If you have an interest in helping next year or serving on a committee, please contact Audrey Donahue at
Two Lassiter Families in Need
Two Lassiter families are in need of assistance, recovering from hardships beyond their control. Donations of furnishings, kitchen supplies, and gift cards would be greatly appreciated. Other support groups have been assigned donations for clothes, food, and other basic needs.
Please drop off donations to the Lassiter Front Office. Thank you for your support.
Lassiter String Academy
Please get your May payments in ASAP. If you have any questions about your balance, please contact Amy Fudger It’s been a great year at LSA! Remember to keep practicing over the summer! 🎵🎵
Free Concert Under the Stars, Jun 14th
A Performance in the Park, Thursday Jun 14th, 7:30pm, Piedmont Park – Oak Hill. <Details>