Spring Orchestra Auditions
Auditions for placement into Fall 2017 Orchestra classes will take place on March 14, 5 – 8:30pm.
Link to Audition Material and Instructions
Lassiter String Academy
Now is a great time to sign up for lessons through our Lassiter String Academy. Private Instruction builds musical skills, exposes students to centuries of notable repertoire, encourages discipline, perseverance, self-confidence, and ultimately a lifelong love and appreciation of the musical arts.
We are very fortunate to have one of the best staffs in the metro-Atlanta area right here at Lassiter, so sign up today! We have a new Bass instructor, Jarod Boles, check out his details at –
https://lhsoa.org/string- academy
Please ensure March payments are put in the LSA box.
East Cobb Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase 2017
Link to register for the event (Good Prize Money $$)
2017 Cruise trip is almost here
The Lassiter Orchestra Spring Cruise Trip is scheduled for March 29 – April 3, 2017. A color copy of the Passport picture page and Final Payment for the trip of a $110 or HBH Fundraiser adjusted payment is past due.
Some Important Upcoming Dates towards the trip are:
- March 20, 4 – 6pm, Cruise Trip Rehearsal 1
- March 23, 4 – 6pm, Cruise Trip Rehearsal 2
- March 27, 4 – 6pm, Cruise Trip Rehearsal 3
- March 27, 6pm – Parent Presentation and Final Meeting
Important LHSO Board Meeting
We have a Board meeting on Thursday, March 9th at 6:30pm. We invite anyone interested to see how we run our business to come. You will be in the company of a dedicated and fun group of people.
Save the Dates
- Senior Orchestra Breakfast, March 16th.
- The Orchestra Banquet is May 13th.
Still in Mulch need of a Project Manager for our Mulch Fundraiser
Springtime is just around the corner; birds begin to sing, flowers begin to bloom, and self-respecting suburban gardeners everywhere begin to spread mulch. Who better to deliver this mulch needed commodity than the musicians of the Lassiter High School Orchestra!
Your volunteer team is still seeking an energetic orchestra family member who is willing to donate some time and energy to helping our orchestra with some mulch needed fundraising. The best part about this job is that it’s a short-term project without any long-term commitments. Plant the fundraiser, execute the fundraiser, have fun, go home. Easy!
If you love spending time in the garden, if you love your orchestra, and if you love giving something back to a program that gives so mulch to your student, then this is the job for you.
Interested? Please contact Kim Jones for details. Thank you very mulch!
Show your Orchestra Spirit!

LHSOA Registrations – It is Never Too Late!
Thank you, families, for your registrations and your generous donations!
If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please make a donation today so we can do-it-up bigger and better for the rest of the year!
Do you have Kroger plus card? Please re-enroll annually: Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards – #68865.
Re-enroll here. Dollars accumulate starting Sep 1st. Takes a couple minutes to set up and it keeps giving every time you shop for the next year!!
Simple swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix. The Publix at Highland Plaza has Lassiter Orchestra Partner cards at the Customer Service Desk. Please scan the card at checkout and help the Orchestra.