2018 Pre LGPE Camp, Jan 19, 20
The orchestras are now preparing for their Large Group Performance Evaluations. January 19th and 20th is our Winter Orchestra Camp. We have an outstanding staff lined up who will not only take our students to the next level, but will inspire them along the way. Our camps are built to provide a fast-paced yet thorough understanding of string technique coupled with building the ensemble as a musical team. Every member of each ensemble is important to our musical progress and presentation. We are finishing the camp with a Lassiter Orchestra Family Potluck. Would love for all our Orchestra families to come, mingle, eat and enjoy! Contact Audrey Donahue vicepresident@lhsoa.org with any questions you might have.
Please contact the directors with any Winter Camp schedule conflicts at Lassiterorchestras@gmail.com.
Our Pre-LGPE performance is Thursday, February 8th at 7pm. We look forward to performing this wonderful literature for our orchestra families and friends!
- <<Pre LGPE Winter Camp Schedule>>
Spring Rehearsal Calendars
- Chamber I
- Chamber II
- Sinfonia II
- Sinfonia I
Come out & support your orchestra!
4:00-7:00 PM
2756 Sandy Plains Rd (near Post Oak Tritt Rd)
Bring the whole family and invite your friends for dinner & a concert, featuring:
- *** Trivia contests!
- *** Games!
- *** Prizes!
- *** Musical entertainment from our very own orchestra musicians!
15% of sales (excluding drive-thru) will be donated to Lassiter Orchestra.
2018 Orchestra Spring Tour
Please ensure you are current on payments.
Details about trip and Payment Coupons.
Has Your Insurance Changed?
Please send your parent volunteers a copy of both the front and back of your new insurance card. It’s important for us to have this in the event a student requires medical attention while on a trip.
We will be checking for current health insurance cards prior to our Washington, DC trip. Please don’t wait until the last minute as there are many tasks your parent volunteers need to do to ensure we are prepared for travel.
You may send a scan of your card to secretary@lhsoa.org , or you may send in a copy for the drop box with your student. Remember front and back please if you have a new card for 2018. Thanks for your cooperation!
Valid Government Issued ID
Students are required to bring a valid Government Issued ID (with photo and DOB) on the trip for verification at some tourist sites they will be sight-seeing. IDs maybe a valid Drivers License, Passport. The Georgia Department of Driver Services also issues a Georgia State ID card if a student does not have an ID. Check here for <<Details>>.
Summer Opportunity
The Atlanta Chamber Music Festival is an exciting week-long festival for current 9-12 graders. It is held June 17-23, 2018, at Agnes Scott college in Decatur. Most students live on campus all week, but it is not required.
The string faculty is outstanding and will provide a quality experience for our students.
If you sign up by January 15th they are offering $100 discount, by March 15th, a $50 discount
(audio clips can be added later).
Discount code: http://www.atlantachambermusicfestival.com/tuition–financial-aid.html. Scholarships ARE available if finances are an issue. Earlier applicants will receive more scholarship money.
Please visit the Atlanta Chamber Music Festival website for more information.
‘Mulch Madness’ Fundraiser – Volunteers needed
Looking for volunteers for a one-time volunteer opportunity. This ‘Mulch Madness’ fundraiser is a one day event in the first week of March. We need volunteers to load mulch onto customer vehicles. Information on supporting this fundraiser will go out shortly. If interested contact Victoria Moller fundraising@lhsoa.org.
String Day 2018, Saturday Feb 24th

KSU School of Music invites high school and middle school instrumentalists with at least one year of experience to join us for KSU String Day – a day of learning, performance and fun led by KSU’s exceptional string faculty. Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2018 Participation fee: $30 per participant. Click here for <<Details>>
Lassiter String Academy
January lesson payments are due now, please drop it in the LSA box. If you have any questions about balance contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org. Thank you.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!
<<Click here>> to shop on Amazon Smile and contribute toward the LHS Orchestra Association. Thank you!!
Kroger Community Rewards
If you are a frequent shopper at Kroger with a Kroger Plus Card choose the LHSOA as the organization to support. Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to
receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! Last quarter 23 households contributed $35.77 to the LHSOA just by shopping at Kroger, enjoying their savings and supporting us, Thank you, families. If you have any questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.
Lassiter’s Publix Partners
Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!