Lassiter hosts the Orchestra LGPE Feb 13th – 15th
Volunteer Sign Up
Contact Susan Lewis if you have any questions.
If you missed the LGPE Volunteer Meeting here is a Link to the Job Descriptions at the LGPE.
Our PRE-LGPE concert showcased how well the kids have prepped for the LGPE. Please make note of your student’s Performance time as listed below.
- Monday, 2/13 5:45pm Chamber I
- Tuesday, 2/14 2pm Sinfonia II
- Tuesday, 2/14 4pm Chamber II
- Wednesday, 2/15 10am Sinfonia I
We are providing a schedule for the LGPE, February 13-15 for each orchestra, as each ensemble’s schedule is different. Additionally, the orchestra is displaced due to the LGPE event. This schedule addresses all 4 orchestra and the expectations for the LGPE event for those three days.
Please direct any questions to
We are very proud of our orchestras and look forward to their upcoming performances! Hope to see family and friends at the concert and evaluations at our Lassiter Concert Hall.
Update on Cruise trip
The Lassiter Orchestra Spring Cruise Trip is scheduled for March 29 – April 3, 2017.
Final Payment for the trip will be a $110 was due Feb 10th which includes a storage rental for the instruments on board the cruise ship and the bus ride within the Kennedy Space Center. Students who got a discount from the HBH Fundraiser can adjust their final payment.
Carnival Cruise Spring Trip Meeting was on Tuesday, November 15 Update: 2017 Cruise Trip Information Packet
As you shop this Valentine’s Day

Show your Orchestra Spirit!

2017 USC Chamber Day and Competition
Application deadline extended to Feb. 15.
Lassiter String Academy Volunteer Needed
The LSA Coordinator works with Academy string teachers and the orchestra director to schedule after school lessons and track payments. The LSA Coordinator is also a member of the Board, which provides an opportunity to participate in the governance of the LHSOA. This is an immediate need, so please give this some consideration and if interested, please contact Ms. Doemel at
Still seeking volunteers to serve on a committee or the Board
A Message from your President
We are all very busy both with home and professional responsibilities, however, I ask that all of you wonderful parents and caregivers consider making a bit more room in your busy schedules to become a more integral part of this wonderful orchestra. Some jobs take only an hour or so per week, and some take only a couple hours per month, and many event roles require only a few hours per quarter, so please consider jumping-in and lending your time and talents in whichever way is most meaningful to you.
The nominating committee for Board positions will convene very soon. To express an interest in serving on either a committee or as an officer on the Board, please send an email to the Nominating Committee Chair, Ajit Kahaduwe, at
Thank you for your consideration.
Musically yours,
Jonathan Warner
*Indicates current member rotating off the Board, however, all positions are eligible for nomination.
Provides leadership and managerial oversight to all aspects of the LHSOA. Member of the Executive Board.
*Vice President
Coordinates volunteers and provides oversight for all events; Works closely with the orchestra directors and the president on all activities, and is a member of the Executive Board.
Maintains all records and forms for the orchestra; maintains files on-line in the cloud, and is a member of the Executive Board.
Co-Treasurer (Bookkeeping)
Tracks income and expenses; prepares, monitors, and reports on the annual budget to the Board and the membership. Experience in QuickBooks is highly desirable but not required. Member of the Executive Board.
*Co-Treasurer (AR/AP, Banking)
Collects checks and forms in the lock box; makes banking runs, tracks payments for trips, works closely with the other co-treasurer in charge of bookkeeping. Member of the Executive Board.
*Lassiter String Academy Coordinator
Works with Academy string teachers and the orchestra director to coordinate after school lessons and track payments. Member of the Board.
Maintains the website and the published master orchestra calendar. Member of the Board.
Communications Officer
Puts together and sends out the weekly newsletter, manages Social Media posts, utilizes emails to ensure good information flow between the Orchestra directors, the Parent volunteers and Orchestra families. Member of the Board.
*Fundraising Coordinator
Plans and executes most fundraisers throughout the year.
*Memberships and Sponsorships Coordinator
Promotes individual and business giving programs to ensure the highest percentage of families participate in the financial health of the booster club, and also ensures visibility in the local business community.
Spring Trip Planner (needed annually)
Works closely with all parties to ensure the spring trip is organized prior to, during, and after the trip regarding travel plans and arrangements. Works closely with the orchestra director, the treasurers, and the tour companies.
Cruise Trip Payment
Please make all checks for the trip payable to LHSOA with your child’s name in the memo and a payment coupon, and turn in to the brown drop box it in the front of the orchestra room or mail them to:
Attn: Spring Cruise Trip
P.O. Box 671345, Marietta, GA 30066
Payment Plan for Spring Cruise Trip 2017:
Non-refundable $200 due by September 21 (extended from September 9)
Payment #1: $200 due by October 14
Payment #2: $200 due by November 11
Payment #3: $150 due by January 13
Final Payment: $110 due by February 10
Students will be rooming in quad-occupancy rooms and they should have already signed-up for rooms last week.
More info on 2017 Spring Trip Hub.
Trip Memo
Scroll to 2017 Spring Cruise Payments here to pay online.
Questions? Send them to the Orchestra Directors at Carol.Doemel@cobbk12.orgor
LHSOA Registrations – It is Never Too Late!
Thank you, families, for your registrations and your generous donations!
If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please make a donation today so we can do-it-up bigger and better for the kids rest of the year!
Do you have Kroger plus card? Please re-enroll annually: Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards – #68865.
Re-enroll here. Dollars accumulate starting Sep 1st. Takes a couple minutes to set up and it keeps giving every time you shop for the next year!!
Simple swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix. The Publix at Highland Plaza has Lassiter Orchestra Partner cards at the Customer Service Desk. Please scan the card at checkout and help the Orchestra.