2018 Orchestra Spring Tour
Payment #3 of $200 is past due. Deadline was Friday, December 15th.
Please make sure all trip forms are in order, health insurance information is current. Students will need a valid Government ID for this trip to be produced at some of the sites they will be visiting.
Details about trip and Payment Coupons.
$$$ EARN MONEY FOR YOUR SPRING TRIP! $$$ Ongoing Fundraiser
Deadline – Dec 29th
Whether it’s Honeybaked Ham’s signature boneless ham, roasted whole turkey, meat & cheese platter, sandwiches, sides or desserts, you know you’ll be serving the best, without all the stress!
This fundraiser runs thru Friday December 29th.
Students earn 20% of sales, which will be directly applied to their trip account.
Click here to order Gift Cards:
Details on our website:
Bake Sale @ “NIGHT OF CLASSICS” Concert
We hope you brought home some delicious confections to enjoy from our “Night of Classics” holiday bake sale. The raffle prize of a beautiful gift basket full of premium chocolates, cheese, crackers, and more ($75 value) was donated by the Flohr family and won by Lisa Boylan! We made about $80 with the Raffle tickets. Thanks to your support and the wonderful work of our fabulous bakers and volunteers, we raised over $575.
Bakers & Volunteers:
Kristy Smith
Lisa Boylan
Rebecca Walsh
Sharon Powers
Audrey Donahue
Susan Lewis
Amy Corbin
Ella Kahaduwe
Renae Ladner
Christina Pereira
Victoria Moller
Keri Rosenthal
Cheryl Mjehovich
Pauline Miller
Dinah Biggs
Sandra Moore
Carolina Grant
Traci Link
Suparna Poyapakkam
“Night of Classics” Concert
What a wonderful concert it was to brighten this Holiday Season. Freshman Philharmonics’s – Lullaby of the Moon, Freshman Chamber Ensemble’s – Concerto Grosso, Sinfonia’s – Flight, Chamber II’s – Christmas Concerto, Chamber I’s – Serenade of Strings elevated the experience. Each class had a seasonal favorite to get everyone to sing-along in the holiday spirit! Always a pleasure to see our Alumni participate. Our Bass Choir and Cello Choir made a great debut with the extra touch of Simpson Middle School’s, Mr. Harrison Cook. Thank you Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori!
Wish you all Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!
Tri – M Music Honor Society Holiday Performance
Our students spread some Holiday cheer at the Brookdale Senior Living, Woodstock.
‘Mulch Madness’ Meeting – Postponed to January
Looking for volunteers for a one-time volunteer opportunity.
This ‘Mulch Madness’ interest meeting is rescheduled for January. Contact Victoria Moller for any clarifications fundraising@lhsoa.org.
String Day 2018, Saturday Feb 24th

KSU School of Music invites high school and middle school instrumentalists with at least one year of experience to join us for KSU String Day – a day of learning, performance and fun led by KSU’s exceptional string faculty. Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2018 Participation fee: $30 per participant. Click here for <<Details>>
Lassiter String Academy
Please be sure and put all lesson payments in the LSA box before the winter break. If you have any questions about balance contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Easy ways to donate effortlessly this Holiday Season!
May your Holiday season be festive. <<Click here>> to shop on Amazon Smile and contribute toward the LHS Orchestra Association. Thank you!!
Kroger Community Rewards
Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving ev
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card
Is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!