2017 Yankee Candle Fundraiser
The Yankee Candle Fundraiser kickoff was Friday, August 18th!
Students were given catalogs, directions for ordering and detailed information about this fantastic fundraising event!!
This fundraiser will continue for two weeks. Orders received by Friday, September 1st, will arrive before the holidays!
Thank you for your support – we appreciate YOU!
Remind Class Update (Text 81010)
Remind is a text messaging service used by our directors to send updates and reminders to students and parents.
Subscribe to:
Freshman Philharmonic – Text 81010 and write @freshphil
Sinfonia – Text 81010 and write @lhssinfo
Chamber II – Test 81010 and write @lhscham2
Chamber I – Text 81010 and write @lhscham1
Lassiter DC Tour – Text 81010 and write @lhsodc
Finally, send the text to start this service.
Farewell to Ms. Anne Stevens
Note from our President:-
We sadly bid farewell to Ms. Anne Stevens and congratulate her on a wonderful career with Cobb County Schools. Ms. Stevens, a talented musician and graduate of the prestigious Juilliard School of Music, where she earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree in Viola, has provided years of service as Simpson Middle School Orchestra Director. Ms. Stevens’ service to our community has not only provided a steady stream of talent to the Lassiter orchestra program, but has enriched the lives of our students with the gift of music, which had provided them with a lifetime of appreciation for the arts. We wish Ms. Stevens all the best in her move to sunny Florida.
Musically Yours,
Jonathan Warner
President, LHSOA
LHSOA Registration – We need your help! Every family can participate
Family names and Donation Levels are posted here @ Family & Donation Levels.
Thank you, families, for your registrations and generous donations.
Please register your membership in the Lassiter High School Orchestra Association today. Your participation will ensure our students have access to all of the wonderful advantages and programming planned for this year. Every musician will receive the benefits based upon the Board-approved annual budget. But we need your help in order to be successful. Registering at the Bronze level meets your student’s minimum obligations for programming. Registering at a higher level provides even more opportunity for all of our students and families who donate at the premium levels receive added benefits too! Select a level you are most comfortable supporting — and keep in mind all the enrichment that your student is receiving in return for these modest fees. Whether you’re in a position to give $50 or $500, your contribution will be greatly welcomed and appreciated at any level. Families who donate at the Friend level are required to pay a fee for each activity that requires one — for example, fall and winter camps.
Our goal is 100% participation!
Please see our website for all the information you need on registration levels:
Participation Levels
- Friend – any amount up to $149
- Bronze – $150+ per year
- Silver – $250+ per year
- Gold – $350+ per year
- Platinum – $500+ per year
2017 Fall Orchestra Camp
Orchestra Camp was an incredible learning experience, as well as one of the MOST fun events of the year! Two days filled with music, fellowship, and great strides forward in musical growth and development!
What was your student’s favorite thing about camp weekend? Was it the fascinating Movement Class? Was it the riveting Clinicians’ Ensemble Performance? Or the Bowling and Arcade Games at Stars & Strikes? We hope your student has shared some of their camp highlights with you! Check our Facebook page and website in the next few days for more photos.
Our Volunteers Rock!

- Ida Anderson
- Heather Weiss
- Michelle Tisdale
- Cindy Kraft
- Monica Renee Graig
- Joseph Hwang
- Brittany Hayes
- Robert Hayes
- Ellen Octaviano
- Lynn McLaughlin
- Tony Wilkie
- Ernest Marchetti
- Susie Carson
- Sara Dilworth
- Alexandrea Foster
- Pheonah Onyino
- Michelle Brooks
- Victoria Moller
- Ajit Kahaduwe
- Suparna Poyapakkam
Special thanks go out to the following who took on key responsibilities:
- Sharon Powers — our awesome Hospitality Coordinator
- Pauline Miller and Dinah Biggs — our amazing Treasury team
- Greg Watson — our talented Orchestra Photographer
Most importantly, please thank Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori the next time you see them. The planning and coordination that it takes to put together a camp of this superior quality is simply extraordinary. They make it look effortless because they do it with so much joy and passion. They love to see their students soar and be challenged…and succeed!
Audrey Donahue
VP Events
There are many volunteer opportunities available for future events. If you are interested in helping, please contact Audrey at events@lhsoa.org.
Concert Attire: Order Formal Uniforms Now
GIRLS: EZ-Fit Ava Gown BOYS: Basic Poly Notch
Tuxedo Package
Our first concert in formal attire is on October 19th. To be ready for the Fall Concert, please ensure that your student’s uniform is ordered by the end of August. The Tuxedo Wholesaler website currently indicates 4 weeks processing and shipping for the girl’s gown. The boy’s tuxedo takes 4 days to process and another 2-5 days to ship. Once you receive the uniform, it would also require hemming. Place your order early so there’s ample time for your student’s uniform to be performance-ready for the Fall Concert. We can’t wait to see all our musicians looking confident and sharp in their formal attire!
Order online at www.tuxedowholesaler.com.
Easy, interactive measuring instructions are provided.
Download Order Forms from the website by clicking on link below, scroll to & select ‘Orchestra Uniform Info and Order Forms’ >>Uniform Order Form<<
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Donahue at vicepresident@lhsoa.org.
Aug 14th General Meeting Presentation
We got off to a fantastic start with the August 14th General Meeting. We shared a wealth of important information that included Registration and Participation Levels, Fundraising, Lassiter String Academy, Orchestra Camps, and all of the great events that are planned for the upcoming school year – as well as the big trip to Washington DC in the spring! In case you missed it, download the presentation by clicking on the link below.
Aug 14th General Meeting Presentation.
Lassiter String Academy
It is important that Amy Fudger has your registration information for the year 2017-18. Please contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org for any questions.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!
Kroger Community Rewards
Supporters of LHSO do NOT need to re-enroll this year making it easy for Kroger shoppers to continue giving. Lassiter’s Kroger
Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!!
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!
<<Click here>> to shop on Amazon.comand support the LHSOA.