Important Reminder
Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal tomorrow, April 17 from 4 – 6 PM.
Student Leadership Clinic
Students interested in applying for next year’s Lassiter Orchestra Leadership Team should attend the student leadership clinic on April 26 and 27 from 3:45-5:30 PM. Applications will be coming out soon via Remind for all those interested in applying to be a part of the 2017-18 Lassiter Orchestra Leadership Team.
The Night At The Movies concert is fast approaching! Tuesday, April 25 will be our last performance of the school year!
Please join us for a wonderful evening filled with music and a fun Raffle fundraiser.
Purchase your Raffle tickets before the concert.
Place your tickets in the envelope of the item that you would like to take home with you!
Many raffle items available from gift baskets, to gift cards, to craft beer tasting, to sports events, and Disney Park Hopper passes.
Make a $5 donation to the LHSOA and pick and reserve your own seats for this final concert!
And, of course, please bring your family and friends to both help us reach our goals, and of course hear our fabulous musicians perform some of your all-time favorite movie scores.
Check out the details on our website >>Night at the Movies
Please contact our Fundraising Chair, Kim Jones –, to offer your items for donation.
Orchestra Banquet 
Keep the Cruising Spirit on for our year end Banquet dinner happening very near you at the Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Trickum Road on Saturday, May 13th.
Banquet Flyer.
Fill in the Ticket Order form and turn in payment by April 28th. Payments can also be made online through the website.
Pay Online.
Email Audrey Donahue for any further questions.
Lassiter String Academy
Please deposit April lesson payments in the dropbox by the practice rooms. Questions?? Email
Show your Orchestra Spirit!

LHSOA Registrations – It’s Never Too Late!
Thank you, families, for your registrations and your generous donations!
If you haven’t made a contribution yet, please make a donation today so we can do-it-up bigger and better for the kids rest of the year!
Support us with minimal effort
Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards – #68865. Re-enroll here. Takes a couple minutes to set up and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!!
Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix. The Publix at Highland Plaza has LassiterOrchestra Partner cards at the Customer Service Desk. Please scan the card at checkout and help the Orchestra.