2018 Spring Trip

We are very excited about the upcoming educational opportunity to Washington D.C. from Mar 7 – 11th, 2018!
Students get to
observe United States Army Orchestra
perform in Washington D.C.
tour the National Mall and Smithsonian Museum
go on Mt. Vernon cruise
and much more.
Please plan on attending the Information Meeting Monday, November 6th, 6:30pm.
Click here for>> Details about trip and Payment Coupons.
POINSETTIAS sale is on!!

Cooler weather is here, hot cocoa tastes sweet,
our beautiful POINSETTIAS will make your season complete!
We are thrilled to announce the option to order poinsettias ONLINE this year!
* $10 each (cash or check) or $10.60 (credit card)
* 5 colors selections: red, white, pink, marble and jingle bells
* All proceeds directly support our orchestra!
* Make lovely gifts for businesses and places of worship
Order by Friday, November 17th
Pick up at the Orchestra Room on Friday, December 1st
To order online or get more details, click here>> https://lhsoa.org/poinsettiasale
<<Download Order Form>>
PLEASE share this link with friends, neighbors and local organizations!
TOGETHER, WE will support OUR orchestra!!
Fall Orchestra Concert
We Love Our Volunteers!
Many thanks to the following volunteers who helped make our Fall Concert reception a great success:
Cathy Dugan
Sobe Del Risco
Isabel Duarte
Amanda Picchi
Shelley Espinosa
Rebecca Walsh
If you’re interested in helping at one of our orchestra events, please contact Audrey Donahue vpevents@lhsoa.org. Our next volunteer opportunity is for 2nd Semester Seating Auditions on Wednesday, Nov 8th 4:00-8:00PM
LHSOA Membership
It’s not too late! If you would like to make either a premium or Friend of the Orchestra tax-deductible donation, please visit our website: https://lhsoa.org/for-parents-and-students/registration. Premium donors will receive benefits as advertised, and all donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes upon request.
Lassiter String Academy
Reminder: Payments for October lessons are due now.
Please contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org for any questions.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!
Kroger Community Rewards
Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! If you have any questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!