2018 Fall Orchestra Camp
Pictures – 2017 Fall Camp
Camp Hours
Friday, August 10
Registration –5:00pm
Meeting in LCH – 5:30 pm
Parent Pick-up – 10pm
Saturday, August 11
Meeting in LCH – 8:30am
Pick-up at Stars and Strikes – 8pm
The Lassiter Orchestra Fall Camp is just around the corner! Camp is designed as an integral part of the Lassiter Orchestra experience. Your son/daughter will receive approximately 10 hours of ensemble and sectional instruction with the LHSO Camp Staff. Orchestra Camp is essential to the progress of our orchestra program in order to advance to a higher level of string performance and to develop skills as a member of an ensemble. Please follow this link for detailed Camp information.
<<Orchestra Camp Schedule>>
<<Stars and Strikes Field Trip Form>> You may pay for the field trip on your Charms Account.
Join the fun and help at one or more of our events this year.
Parent involvement matters!
Most of our events require only an hour or two of your time. Your support and participation ensure that our activities run successfully for the benefit of our young musicians.
URGENT: We are in need of parent helpers for snack crew for Saturday, Aug 11th 2 – 3:30pm during Fall Camp.
Click here to find a volunteer opportunity that fits your schedule:
Orchestra needs a Photographer 
Do you have a Passion for Photography?
Do you like the idea of working with the Orchestra and capturing memories that will last a lifetime? Then we have a fun opportunity you’re not going to want to miss! You don’t have to be a professional photographer to qualify! We are seeking a friendly and creative parent with some schedule flexibility to take photos at our events – including camps, field trips, and concerts. If you’re interested in this role, please contact Audrey Donahue president@lhsoa.org
Orchestra Checklist for start of School year
Please ensure that you have completed the following key action items to start the year on the right note. Payment for several fees and activities are now due.
Update your contact information on Charms Officehttps://www.charmsoffice.com/
In Charms, click on the Online Store to make payment on the following:
1. Choose your Registration Donation Level. Bronze Level covers the cost of camps and clinicians for the entire year.
2. NEW Students: Order and pay for your Casual Uniform t-shirt ($15)
- Pay for the Fall Camp field trip to Stars & Strikes ($21)
4. Pay the $35 Fall Camp fee (this fee is waived if you have donated at the Bronze Level or higher)
5. Pay the $25 Cello/Bass usage fee (all cello and bass players)
Payment with credit/debit card via the Online Store in your Charms Account is preferred in order to process your transaction in an accurate and timely manner. Thank you!
If you need help accessing your Charms account OR with fees please contact Carol Doemelcarol.doemel@cobbk12.org or Michael Gielmichael.giel@cobbk12.org.
LHSOA General Meeting
Please plan to attend our annual Lassiter High School Orchestra Association (LHSOA) General Meeting on Monday, August 13th at 6:30 PM in the Lassiter Concert Hall. This is a key meeting for all families. We will discuss registration, budget, fundraising, and other important topics. We strongly recommend at least one parent attend.

Invest in your Child’s Music Education with a Registration Donation
There are reasons why Lassiter Orchestra is renowned as one of the premier orchestra programs in the country. It is through generous financial support from our committed families and sponsors that we can provide enrichment opportunities for our students. With these funds, we can bring visiting clinicians for master classes, provide specialized tools and equipment to our orchestra, organize field trips to the ASO, and much more that are just not possible with the meager budget provided by the county. There are several tiers of donations which offer added incentives to our families. We highlight the Bronze Level ($150) which meets the minimum funding required per student to cover the cost of camps and clinicians for the entire year. We have an added incentive to request donations. In order to apply for grants, 100% participation is required from our membership. Your donation will help us achieve this goal, and any amount is appreciated and helpful.
Visit our website for details:
District 12 Honor Symphony Registration Deadline
Deadline – Thursday, August 16 at 4:00 PM
You are invited to audition for the 2018 GMEA District 12 High School Honor Symphony. Membership in this elite group is an extraordinary accomplishment. String auditions for the Honor Symphony will be held on Thursday, August 23, 2018 at Walton High School.
For information and to register for this event, please visit:
Lassiter String Academy
LSA Updates on our website – https://lhsoa.org/string-academy. Questions?? Contact LSA coordinator –stringacademy@lhsoa.org
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!
Publix Partners Program Change
Publix Partners Card program is going digital. Here’s how you can make a quick one-time change in how you support us while Publix is helping the community by using less plastic.
Visit their website http://www.publix.com/ to set up a new Account or if you already have a account login to it.
Choose ‘Goto My Account’ or ‘My Account’ by clicking on your user name. Under ‘My Publix Partner’ choose ‘Select a School’.
Type ‘Lassiter High School Orchestra Association’ and/or select it from the dropdown list. Hit ‘Select’ button and confirm that your Account reflects this choice.
At the store just enter your phone number at checkout and Voila! you can support your Orchestra and use digital coupons all in one shot.
Publix digital portal gives you several options to shop differently in this fast paced world, worth checking out.
Important>>The keychain card will only work tillSeptember 30th, 2018.
<<Click here>> to shop on Amazon Smile and support your LHSOA. Thank you!!
Kroger Community Rewards
If you are a frequent shopper at Kroger with a Kroger Plus Card choose the LHSOA as the organization to support. Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! Thank you! Questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com.
See the Parent and Student Webpage for more details. Contact LHSOA Communications for any questions. Click here to subscribe to the Lassiter Orchestra Newsletter. To unsubscribe just scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on unsubscribe from this list.