It’s hard to believe this is week 6 of our school year. The students have been working very hard. I am proud of their progress and where we are headed this year. It’s very exciting to see their growth!​

Fall Concert

Dark vs. Light

It’s time!! Our Fall Concert Theme is “Dark vs. Light”. Please join use this Thursday, September 12 at 7:30 PM. The parking lot will open up at 7:00 PM once our marching band is finished with their rehearsal.

Each orchestra will perform several selections and will also provide a skills demonstration.

Students should be in their formal concert black uniform and report to the orchestra room at about 7:00 PM.

We may be adjusting our performance order due to a JV football game.


Grades have been updated and should reflect everything turned in (except practice vlog 1).

Our 6 week grading period ends this Friday, September 13. Any missing work (zeros) must be turned in before the end of the 6-week grading period or the grades will remain zeros for the entire semester and can’t be made up.

See parentvue/studentvue to monitor grades. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Student Fees

Student fees are now overdue. As stated in our orchestra handbook, we ask for a $175 fee per student to cover a multitude of expenses that help provide students with a world-class learning experience and keep our program running strong. The fees can be paid online on our website at or via check payable to LHSOA and brought to the orchestra room.

We understand that fees may be difficult for some families to pay all at once. If you have questions or would like to discuss fees, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Homecoming Parade 2024

​\The orchestra students will be participating in the homecoming parade on Friday, September 20.

We are asking for every orchestra student to participate. I understand that some students may be participating in the parade with another group/club/activity and that some students will be out of town for the break.

Details to follow…

Program Book Advertisements

Our program book ad campaign is underway! If you are interested in purchasing an ad in our annual program book, please visit:

We are looking for local businesses that would like to receive some attention. Program books were sent home with students to serve as a sample. If you need an additional book, please let me know. Business card ads start at just $20.

​Upcoming Events

9/9 – NHS Induction Ceremony (select students will perform the national anthem), 6:00 Report, 6:30 Performance
9/12 – Fall Orchestra Concert, Concert Hall, 7:30 PM
9/13 – All-State Registration Deadline for Dr. Laux (Form)
9/19 – GMEA District 12 High School Honor Orchestra Auditions, Kennesaw Mtn. HS, 4-8 PM
9/20 – Homecoming Parade & Football Game (attendance required for all students not participating in another parade activity)
9/23 – 9/27 – Fall Break
10/4 – Chamber Orchestra + 8th graders play Star Spangled Banner at the LHS Football Game
10/9 – PSAT Day
10/18 – Chamber Orchestra performs at KSU Orchestra Invitational
10/19 – District All-State Auditions (First Round), Pope HS
10/29 – Mabry MS Orchestra Concert, 6:30 PM
11/8-11/9 – Honor Orchestra Event at KMHS
11/13 – Simpson MS Orchestra Concert, 7 PM
11/14 – Tri-M Concert, 7 PM
12/11 – Mabry MS Orchestra Concert, 6:30 PM
12/12 – Lassiter Winter Orchestra Concert, 7 PM

​Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can reach out via the following links:

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