2018 Final DC Rehearsal and Student/Parent Meeting
Monday, March 5th – Rehearsal 4-6pm, Meeting 6-6:45pm
Our last rehearsal for the DC Trip is on Monday at 4pm. At 6pm we will have our student/parent meeting to review final itinerary and packing list, meet chaperones, review travel policies, and collect any remaining forms. All students must be there and at least one parent. We are looking forward to a fantastic tour of Washington D.C.!!
Important – 6 Forms needed
1. “Blanket” Permission to Participate
2. Notarized Medical History Permission and Release Form
3. Permission to Participate in Overnight Field Trip
4. Student/Parent Consent Form
5. Copy of current insurance card front and back.
6. Copy of the student’s ID – They have been making copies of their driver’s license at school. If the student ID is a passport or Government Issued ID please send in a copy or you may send a scan of your card to secretary@lhsoa.org. Thanks for your cooperation!
Any questions, concerns email the directors lassiterorchestras@gmail.com.
‘Mulch Madness’ Fundraiser
Thank you to all our fantastic student and parent volunteers that helped load the bags of mulch onto customer vehicles with so much enthusiasm. Thank you to all those that bought mulch and supported the fundraiser. Many thanks to Victoria Moller for all her hard work in coordinating this fundraiser. We appreciate you!
Lassiter String Academy
Students who are interested in majoring or minoring in music, two important deadlines for admission to the Kennesaw State University are fast approaching.
Summer Opportunity

The string faculty is outstanding and will provide a quality experience for our students.
If you sign up by January 15th they are offering $100 discount, by March 15th, a $50 discount
(audio clips can be added later).
Discount code: http://www.atlantachambermusicfestival.com/tuition–financial-aid.html. Scholarships ARE available if finances are an issue. Earlier applicants will receive more scholarship money.
Please visit the Atlanta Chamber Music Festival website for more information.
Strings Opportunities
East Cobb Kiwanis Club Art & Music Show Case
Valdosta State University Auditions
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!

Kroger Community Rewards
If you are a frequent shopper at Kroger with a Kroger Plus Card choose the LHSOA as the organization to support. Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! If you have any questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!
See the Parent and Student Webpage for more details. Contact LHSOA Communications for any questions. Click here to subscribe to the Lassiter Orchestra Newsletter. To unsubscribe just scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on unsubscribe from this list