A Night of Classics Concert, Dec 14th
From our directors:
Dear Lassiter Orchestra Families,
Please join us for our “Night of Classics”, Thursday, December 14th at 7pm. We will be performing works of Corelli, Tchaikovsky, Mahler, and much more. Additionally, each class has selected a seasonal favorite to get everyone in the holiday spirit! Our Cello Choir and Bass Choir will be making their debut as well.
We hope to see you there!
Carol Doemel and Koji Mori
Bake Sale Goods Needed for Dec 14th
Baking Spirits Bright!!!
Calling All Bakers!!!
We Are still in Need of These Baked Goods:
Cookies ~ Cakes ~ Cupcakes ~ Brownies ~ Muffins ~ Breads ~ Candy ~ Fudge ~ Chocolates
What would the holidays be without treats!
The LHSOA will host a bake sale with yummy confections provided by bakers in our community that will be sold from 6 – 7pm and after the concert to benefit our orchestra programs. Come early to the concert and buy yummy, decorative holiday goodies for your family and friends.
If you like to bake – we want you! Please view the Bake Sale <<Details>> on our website for more information.
Or Signup here
Any questions? Contact Audrey Donahue events@lhsoa.org
‘Mulch Madness’ Meeting for Dec 11th – Postponed to January
Looking for volunteers for a one-time volunteer opportunity.
This ‘Mulch Madness’ interest meeting is rescheduled for January due to Cobb County school closings, power outages and road safety. Contact Victoria Moller for any clarifications fundraising@lhsoa.org.
Skylight Holiday Performance

Tip given to our Holiday Musicians
2018 Orchestra Spring Tour
Payment #3 of $200 is due Friday, December 15th.
Details about trip and Payment Coupons.
$$$ EARN MONEY FOR YOUR SPRING TRIP! $$$ Ongoing Fundraiser
Midway deadline of Dec 10th for Christmas Delivery
Whether it’s Honeybaked Ham’s signature boneless ham, roasted whole turkey, meat & cheese platter, sandwiches, sides or desserts, you know you’ll be serving the best, without all the stress!
This fundraiser runs thru Friday December 29th.
Students earn 20% of sales, which will be directly applied to their trip account.
Click here to order Gift Cards:
Details on our website:
String Day 2018, Saturday, Feb 24th

KSU School of Music invites high school and middle school instrumentalists with at least one year of experience to join us for KSU String Day – a day of learning, performance and fun led by KSU’s exceptional string faculty. Registration Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 2018 Participation fee: $30 per participant. Click here for <<Details>>
Lassiter String Academy
December payments are due now. Please turn it into the LSA box before the break. If you have any questions please let me know. Questions?? Contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org
LHSOA Membership
It’s not too late! If you would like to make either a premium or Friend of the Orchestra tax-deductible donation, please visit our website: http://lhsoa.org/for-parents-and-students/registration. Premium donors will receive benefits as advertised, and all donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes upon request.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly this Holiday Season!
May your Holiday season be festive. <<Click here>> to shop on Amazon Smile and contribute toward the LHS Orchestra Association. Thank you!!
Kroger Community Rewards
Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!! If you have any questions, please email kcr11@kroger.com. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!