LHSOA General Meeting is tomorrow August 14th, 6:30 PM
Please plan on attending!!!
The Aug 14th General meeting is when we discuss our concert season, all of the great events that are planned for the upcoming school year, the annual Spring trip, the Lassiter String Academy, the orchestra camps and concerts in an “Open House” format. The Student Officers, Board Members, Orchestra Director, Ms. Doemel and Assistant Orchestra Director, Mr. Mori will be there for further assistance. Registration is 6:00-6:25pm.
Please use this opportunity to complete forms, receive uniform information, update student and parent information in the Charms database, and pay remaining fees and dues towards Memberships.
A Notary will be there from 6:00-6:25 PM to notarize the Medical Release Form.
6:00-6:25 pm Families may register and pay fees
6:30 pm LHSOA General Meeting begins
- Vote to Install Slate of Officers for 2017-2018
- Important Information for Students and Parents
- Audrey Donahue, Vice President Events
- Pauline Miller & Dinah Biggs, Treasury
- Victoria Moller, Fundraising Committee Chair
- Ajit Kahaduwe, Communications & Website
- Amy Fudger, Lassiter String Academy
- Your Orchestra Directors, Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori
- Special orchestra programming
- Spring Orchestra Trip
- Other important activities
- Q&A
7:30 pm Families may complete registration process, or ask questions of the booster club or orchestra directors
2017 Fall Orchestra Camp
The Orchestra Camp is a fun and intense learning experience for our musicians. It is on Friday, August 18th 5pm – 10:30pm and Saturday, August 19th 8:30am – 8pm.
Field Trip Permission Form is on the website. Follow the links below. Students driving themselves should mention it on the form.
- Click here for Camp Details.
- Orchestra Camp ScheduleIf there are any conflicts or questions please email Mrs. Doemel at Carol.Doemel@cobbk12.org.
Important !!! LHSOA Registration
Family names and Donation Levels are posted here @ Family & Donation Levels.
Thank you, families, for your registrations and generous donations.We are asking for 100% participation from our orchestra families – please consider donating when you register for the LHSOA. It is with these funds that we can bring visiting clinicians for master classes, schedule field trips to the ASO, provide some specialized tools and equipment to our orchestra, and much more that is just not possible with the meager budget we receive from the county music fund. Again, any amount is helpful, and for those who wish to register at the Bronze Level or above, there are some great benefits and recognition opportunities available to you in return for your generosity. Please make a donation today so our musicians can have a more exciting Orchestra year! Click on the link below and then scroll to Credit Card acceptance screen.
Doughnut Social – A Fun social kickstart for the year!
Orchestra Students from all 4 grades socialized and got to know one another, their student officers and their conductors just a little bit better. There were assorted Dunkin Donuts, orange juice and lively jazz music to start everyone’s day. So good to see so many of the kids come out and participate in this social event.
Upcoming Fundraisers
We have some very important FUNdraising events coming-up so please keep an eye in both our newsletter and our Facebook page for details from your Fundraising Committee Chair, Ms. Victoria Moller. Yankee Candle, Poinsettia Sale and a few Chick – Fil
Lassiter String Academy
It is important that Amy Fudger has your registration information for the year 2017-18. Please contact Amy Fudger stringacademy@lhsoa.org for any questions.
Easy ways to donate effortlessly!
Kroger Community Rewards
Supporters of LHSO do NOT need to re-enroll this year making it easy for Kroger shoppers to continue giving. Lassiter’s Kroger Community Rewards number is 68865. Enroll here to choose LHSO to receive your Kroger Community rewards. It takes only a couple of minutes to set up, and it keeps giving every time you shop for the school year!!
Lassiter’s Publix Partners Card is available at the customer service desk at the Highland Plaza store. Simply swipe while you pay for shopping at Publix and the money comes directly to us – easy!