The Week Ahead: The Week of May 7, 2017

Our “Cruise to a Tropical Isle” year-end banquet is just days away! All orchestra musicians and their families are invited to celebrate a great year of music and fellowship to both celebrate our accomplishments and to honor our senior class. Lots of fun...

The Week Ahead: The Week of April 30, 2017

Taken too soon The LHSOA would like to recognize the loss of Griffin Alexander Kraft. The Kraft family is a big part of our organization. We’ve had the pleasure of Griffin’s membership last year as well as our current member Savannah Kraft. Griffin touched so many...

The Week Ahead: The Week of April 23, 2017

The Night At The Movies concert is right around the corner! Please join us on Tuesday, April 25that 7 PM for a magical evening of music from some of the all-time favorite movies performed for you by our various orchestras. Raffle prize winners will be announced...

The Week Ahead: The Week of April 16, 2017

Important Reminder Symphony Orchestra Rehearsal tomorrow, April 17 from 4 – 6 PM. Student Leadership Clinic Students interested in applying for next year’s Lassiter Orchestra Leadership Team should attend the student leadership clinic on April 26 and 27...

The Week Ahead: The Week of Apr 10, 2017

Welcome back! 2017 Spring Cruise Note from Ms. Doemel – What a great way to start Spring Break! The Tour Orchestra enjoyed a wonderful 5 days at sea. We began our travels with a tour of the Kennedy Space Center. We picked the perfect day for a visit as the Space...

The Week Ahead: The Week of Mar 26, 2017

Lassiter Cruise Final Rehearsal and Parent Presentation Only 3 More Days Until Departure! Monday 3/27 is the final cruise rehearsal 4-6pm. A “pre-boarding” informance and information meeting will be at 6pm. All students and parent(s) need to attend the meeting as will...