by Dr. Laux | Aug 27, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
Fall Skills Assessment Auditions Tuesday, August 29th 5-7:30 PM This Tuesday all Lassiter Orchestra students have their 1st adjudicated Skill Assessment Audition. As we bring in a panel of string educators to assess our young musicians, these must take place after...
by Dr. Laux | Aug 20, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
2017 Yankee Candle Fundraiser The Yankee Candle Fundraiser kickoff was Friday, August 18th! Students were given catalogs, directions for ordering and detailed information about this fantastic fundraising event!! This fundraiser will continue for two weeks. Orders...
by Dr. Laux | Aug 13, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
LHSOA General Meeting is tomorrow August 14th, 6:30 PM Please plan on attending!!! The Aug 14th General meeting is when we discuss our concert season, all of the great events that are planned for the upcoming school year, the annual Spring trip, the Lassiter String...
by Dr. Laux | Aug 6, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
Welcome to the school year 2017-18! A Message from Your President Greetings Fellow Orchestra Families – Welcome back to another great year of orchestra! We are excited to start the year off right with our upcoming donut social and our rapidly approaching Fall...
by Dr. Laux | May 22, 2017 | Director's Blog, News, Summer Camps & Events
This is the last week students can register for the KSU Summer Music Intensive. The Intensive is a non-residential event held on the KSU campus June 5-9. In addition to growth in skill and musicianship on their instruments, student participants will study the creative...
by Dr. Laux | May 21, 2017 | Alumni, News, Week Ahead
Congratulations Seniors!” On their last day as members of the LHSO, our Chamber I Seniors masterfully played the Shostakovich Sinfonia No. 8 for their exam and set a new standard for next years’ seniors to reach! Congratulations Class of 2017! Check out...