by Dr. Laux | Nov 12, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
ZAXBY’S ORCHESTRA SPIRIT NIGHT Tomorrow, MONDAY NOVEMBER 13th, 4:00-7:00 PM 2756 Sandy Plains Road(near Post Oak Tritt Rd.) Bring the whole family and invite your friends for a fun night, featuring: *** Trivia contests! *** Games! *** Prizes! *** Musical...
by Dr. Laux | Nov 12, 2017 | Fundraising, Messages from the Board, News
$$$ EARN MONEY FOR YOUR SPRING TRIP! $$$ To help offset the cost of the spring trip for our students, we are pleased to offer 2 fundraising opportunities. Students may do one or both campaigns! AVON’s “RORY THE LION” AVON Foundation’s “Rory the Lion” is an adorable...
by Dr. Laux | Nov 5, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
2018 Orchestra Spring Tour – First Parent Meeting Nov 6th The Spring Tour Parent Meeting is Monday, November 6th at 6:30 in the orchestra room. Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori have put together a wonderful enrichment opportunity featuring at least one master class and a...
by Dr. Laux | Oct 29, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
2018 Orchestra Spring Tour to Washington DC – Who’s In? Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori have put together a wonderful enrichment opportunity featuring at least one master class and a possible performance at a historic venue. Other musical and leisure activities are in the...
by Dr. Laux | Oct 22, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
2018 Spring Trip We are very excited about the upcoming educational opportunity to Washington D.C. from Mar 7 – 11th, 2018! Students get to observe United States Army Orchestra perform in Washington D.C. tour the National Mall and Smithsonian Museum go on Mt....
by Dr. Laux | Oct 15, 2017 | News, Week Ahead
2018 Spring Trip We are very excited about the upcoming educational opportunity to Washington D.C. from Mar 7 – 11th, 2018! Hope your student has shared the Trip Memo with you. We will accept credit card payments toward the trip at the Fall concert. First...