The Week Ahead: The Week of January 14, 2018

2018 Pre LGPE Camp, Jan 19, 20 The orchestras are now preparing for their Large Group Performance Evaluations.  January 19th and 20th is our Winter Orchestra Camp. We have an outstanding staff lined up who will not only take our students to the next level, but will...

2018 Orchestra Freshman Information

Thanks to all the students and parents who attended the Freshman info session on January 11, 2018. Please download the info pack for 2018 Freshman and the info for the GA Fine Arts Diploma Seal LHSO Freshman Info Packet 2018B GADoE Fine Arts Diploma Seal Brochure...

The Week Ahead: The Week of January 7, 2018

Welcome back to a new semester of musical growth!! 2018 Pre LGPE Camp, Jan 19, 20 Dear Lassiter Orchestra Parents, We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday with your family and friends! The orchestras are now beginning preparation for their Large Group Performance...