by Dr. Laux | Jul 24, 2018 | Alumni, News, Week Ahead
Please plan to attend the Lassiter Orchestra Registration Event, Thursday, July 26, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, in the Orchestra Room. We ask that you arrive during the following staggered times to help make the process as quick and efficient as possible: Freshmen – 5:00 PM...
by Dr. Laux | Jul 5, 2018 | Director's Blog, Messages from the Board, News
New Assistant Director Michael Giel! It is with great pleasure that we welcome Michael Giel as the new Associate Director for the Lassiter Orchestra Program. Mr. Giel comes to us after 13 years leading high school orchestra programs in both the Dekalb and Fulton...
by Dr. Laux | Jul 3, 2018 | Alumni, Director's Blog, News, Week Ahead
Upcoming Events! Orchestra doughnut Social! August 9 (Thursday) @ 7:45AM
by Dr. Laux | May 20, 2018 | Messages from the Board, News, Week Ahead
A Farewell Celebration On Monday, 11:30am in the Lassiter Orchestra Room: Please join us tomorrow at 11:30 to say farewell to Mr. Mori and to congratulate him on his new position as Director of Orchestras at Harrison High School! A Message from our Directors....
by Dr. Laux | May 13, 2018 | News, Week Ahead
The Week Ahead Lassiter Orchestra News for The Week of May 13, 2018 Congratulations to our 2018 Graduating Seniors Tabitha Achinger Joseph Aguirre Lesly Alfaro Jeffrey Anderson Heila Asgarian Tess Aubry Nuna Bamatraf Zan Beaver Alyssa Blakley Alexis Boylan Rachel...
by Dr. Laux | May 9, 2018 | Director's Blog, News, Summer Camps & Events
Only one week left to apply for ACMF 2018! FINAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: MAY 15 The ATLANTA CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL is a seven-day residential music festival for students of all orchestral instruments and piano in grades 6 to 12. ACMF stands out as one of very few...