The Lassiter High School Orchestra Association

Our Mission


LHSOA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) booster organization established to:
  • Support the Lassiter High School Orchestra Program
  • Enhance music education
  • Communicate with parents
  • Encourage students at all levels of participation


LHSOA accomplishes this by:

  • Supporting the orchestra and its directors through fundraising efforts including annual Poinsettia Sales, Business Sponsorships, Bake Sales, and More!
  • Enhancing the Orchestra Program by providing orchestra and Sectional Clinics
  • Organizing Camps, Master Classes, supplemental educational and performance opportunities
  • Communicating through the website in general and through our e-newsletters sent via CTLS Parent, Facebook page posts, and email correspondence.


Should you have questions or concerns about the orchestra program, please contact LHSOA co-presidents Laura and Alec Davidson at or director, Dr. Charles Laux, at


Contact LHSOA

Lassiter High School Orchestra Association, PO Box 671345, Marietta GA 30066