
Hello parents and students,

It’s been 4 full days in class and we are beginning to gain traction and start digging in.  We’ve made sure all instruments are in working order and that everyone has an instrument to use and have been reviewing the basics of sound production by discussing bow weight, angle, speed, and the two points of contact (on the bow and on the string).

We discussed some of the information found in the LHS Orchestra Handbook, including performance and behavioral expectation, grading, and more.  It is important that parents and students read the handbook, then complete the Handbook Acceptance form.  The Handbook and link to the Acceptance Form can be found here:

The handbook acceptance form is due by Sunday, August 11 at 11:59 PM and will be counted as a completion grade for students.


Parent Meeting

Our Lassiter HS Orchestra Association parent meeting is tomorrow Thursday, August 8 starting at 7:30 PM in the Concert Hall.  The meeting will acquaint parents with our booster organization.  We will introduce our board members, discuss uniforms and upcoming events, possible spring trip ideas, and vote on this year’s orchestra budget.  We will be able to answer any questions you may have.  The meeting will last an hour or less.  It will be great to meet you!!

Fall Camp

We are getting excited for our upcoming Fall Orchestra Camp “LHS Orchestra Olympics” on Saturday, August 10, from 9 AM to 4 PM.  This is a required event for all students

At 4:00 PM we will begin our Orchestra Olympics and then will have pizza and ice cream floats to end the day.  We will be asking students to RSVP in class for this part of the camp so we can ensure we have enough pizza, etc.  

Parent pick-up is scheduled for 5:30 PM.  I will have a detailed email coming tomorrow with our camp itinerary, etc.  Should your child need to miss camp or a portion of the day for other previously scheduled engagements, please send an email to me at

I’m really excited about this school year and making great music with our wonderful students!


Charles Laux

Upcoming Events
8/8 – Orchestra Parent Meeting, Concert Hall, 7:30 PM
8/10 – Fall "Back to School" Camp, 9 AM to 4 PM; Optional afterparty 4 PM to 5:30 PM
8/19 – Asynchronous Learning Day
8/22 – Lassiter Open House
9/12 – Fall Orchestra Concert, Concert Hall, 7:30 PM
9/19 – GMEA District 12 High School Honor Orchestra Auditions, Kennesaw Mtn. HS, 4-8 PM
9/20 – Homecoming Parade & Football Game
9/23 – 9/27 – Fall Break
10/18 – Chamber Orchestra performs at KSU Orchestra Invitational
10/19 – District All-State Auditions (First Round), Pope HS 

Full Calendar: