
Hello Student and Parents!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.  I'm looking to a very successful year with the Lassiter Orchestras!  I know there is a lot going on right now, but I wanted to send a quick message to say hello and to have you hold a few dates for our upcoming events.

The next few days at school will consist of taking care of some paperwork, administrative tasks, assigning instruments, and acclimating students with policies and procedures.  Students will NOT need instruments tomorrow on the first day of school. We will start with instruments on Friday, August 2.  


I will be using CTLS Parent as the main source of communication this year.  You will be able to find all CTLS Parent message also posted to our website at  Additional reminders and media will be posted to our Instagram and Facebook pages, so please follow us! For all of our links, please bookmark our LinkTree.
Upcoming Events – Save the date!

Please mark your calendars for two events taking place next week:

Thursday, August 8 – Orchestra parent meeting at 7:30 PM in the Concert Hall.  
This meeting will introduce new parents to the orchestra program,  discuss orchestra events, and familiarize parents with the Lassiter High School Orchestra Association (LHSOA).  Parents will vote to accept the orchestra budget and we will discuss upcoming events and ideas.

Saturday, August 10 – Orchestra Fall Camp, 9 AM to 4 PM, on campus
This event is required for all orchestra students.  We will come together as a group to have some fun and will spend the day getting back into musical shape through technique sectionals, orchestra rehearsals, performances and more. There will also be an optional afterparty that will run from 5 PM to 7 PM.  Pizza and drinks will be served and there will be some fun activities!  Afterparty RSVP and details will be coming soon!

Please visit our orchestra calendar to see all of our events and mark your calendars.

That is all for now.  I will send another email that covers our orchestra handbook, student fees and uniforms. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'm really looking forward to a great year of music making  with our incredible students!


Dr. Laux

Upcoming Events
8/8 – Orchestra Parent Meeting, Concert Hall, 7:30 PM
8/10 – Fall "Back to School" Camp, 9 AM to 4 PM; Optional afterparty 5 PM to 7 PM
8/19 – Asynchronous Learning Day
8/22 – Lassiter Open House
9/12 – Fall Orchestra Concert, Concert Hall, 7:30 PM
9/19 – GMEA District 12 High School Honor Orchestra Auditions, Kennesaw Mtn. HS, 4-8 PM
9/20 – Homecoming Parade & Football Game
9/23 – 9/27 – Fall Break
10/18 – Chamber Orchestra performs at KSU Orchestra Invitational
10/19 – District All-State Auditions (First Round), Pope HS 

Full Calendar: