Welcome to the First Issue of “The Week Ahead”
The primary purposes of this newsletter are:
- To keep our Lassiter orchestra family informed on what will be happening during the coming week
- To cut down on multiple informative and instructive emails. (The orchestra directors however may need to send important email during the week for things like rehearsal changes, weather events, etc.)
- To create and maintain a well-informed LHSO community
Please feel free to reply back with your suggestions on this newsletter – your participation is key to our success!
From Ms. Doemel and Mr. Mori
Welcome back orchestra students and families! We are excited for another great year of music and fellowship as we continue to build on our wonderful accomplishments from last year. We can’t wait to start planning our always popular Night of the Classics and Night at the Movies concerts, and of course our big trip this year is to perform in New York City!
Fundraising: Make Your Daily Shopping Count!
The simple act of swiping your Publix LHSOA School Card, your Kroger Plus Card, or shopping on Amazon.com generates significant dollars for our orchestra. Find out more on our webpage: https://lhsoa.org/fundraising
Communications Corner
Stay connected with up-to-the minute orchestra information!
We have recently given our website, https://lhsoa.org, a complete makeover; check it out for a plethora of information on everything from uniforms, spirit wear, and our master calendar to information on our orchestra sponsors, volunteer opportunities, and the new Lassiter String Academy!
Let’s be social! Please “Like” our Lassiter High School Orchestra Association Facebook Page for cool orchestra facts, rehearsal and performance pictures, and more fun stuff throughout the year.