Attention all Orchestra students and parents: LHSO Registration Night – July 30th – 5:00-7:00 PM

All Orchestra Parents and Students should plan to attend Orchestra Registration this Thursday, July 30 from 5-7 PM in the Lassiter Orchestra Room. (You can show up at anytime within the 5-7PM window to complete the registration)

For parents: in one stop, parents can take care of everything needed for the year.

Register for LHSOA; complete all necessary forms for the year (notary on hand), pay fees (check only), sign up to volunteer for various events throughout the year, register your student to go on the 2016 Trip to New York, meet the teaching staff of the newly formed Lassiter String Academy (they will be providing private lessons on campus after school).

For students: bring along your instruments to have them looked at by representatives from Beau Vinci or Ronald Sacks, check out the newly renovated practice rooms and see a surprising new addition!  Meet the instructors at the new Lassiter String Academy (LSA) and find out how you can take private lessons right on campus after school!  Sign up and receive information about this year’s trip to New York City;  then try on gowns or tux jackets for sizing should you need to order a new formal outfit.

So come by to see you old friends and meet new ones; have some cookies, then stop by the Photo Stop to have your unofficial mug shot taken for Charms.