Welcome to the Lassiter High School Orchestra
Continuing the tradition of excellence…
Audition material now posted for 2025-2026!

Upcoming Concert Dates
We have a very exciting season of music coming your way. You won’t want to miss it!
Meet our Director
Dr. Charles Laux

Important Information

Student/Parent Handbook 24-25
Read the student/parent orchestra handbook for information about course expectations, grading policies, uniforms, concerts, and more.

Pay Student Fees
The student fee is the main source of revenue for our orchestra program and is required for every student. The fee helps fund instruments, accessories, sheet music, guest artists, technology, and more.

You can become a “Friend of the Orchestra” supporter through a tax-deductible donations. The LHSOA is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Learn about our two “concert black” formal uniform options.
Read the latest LHS Orchestra news...
Newsletter 2-12-2025
LGPE Wrap-Up Congratulations to the Lassiter Orchestras for receiving superior (I) ratings at LGPE!! The dedication and hard work that the students put in really paid off!! I’m very proud of each of the orchestras, especially considering we had...
Newsletter – 2/7/2025
Dear students and parents, Just a few reminders about our final week before break. We have LGPE and the end of a 6-week grading period! Please let me know if you have any questions! Dr. Laux Charles.Laux@cobbk12.org LGPE Reminders All students must ride...
Newsletter 01-06-2025
Dear Parents and Students,Happy New Year and welcome back!! I hope you all had a wonderful break and were able to spend some quality time with friends and family. I’m super excited to begin our second semester and we are going to be hitting the ground running!LGPE...
Newsletter -12/3/2024
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and was able to relax and spend some quality time with family and friends. I was able to get away to camp for a few days, get a few house projects completed, and also cook a great Thanksgiving meal for my family. It...